3rd Annual St. Anthony School Alumni Scholarship Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament Sponsorship

We are currently seeking sponsors for our golf tournament. Please consider a sponsorship level to support our mission. See our Sponsorship Form below.

Golf Tournament Play

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at Fairview Farms Golf Course in Harwinton, CT. Join us Monday, June 24th for a fun-filled day that will help us provide opportunities in Catholic education to continue for families seeking to live a life of service to others grounded in faith.

Registration: $160 per person

Shot Gun Start: 10:00 am

Registration fee includes: 18 holes of golf on the championship course, golf cart, goodie bag and a delicious buffet dinner.

Join us for great raffle prizes, fun contests, Hole-in-One Car and more!!!

Fairview Farms Golf Course